Well, I'm doing something else now. All the programs were put in public domain and this website will not be updated. Thanks for your visit and please come back sometime. Keep on keeping on ;-)
Vasile Calmatui, May 20th 2001
Vasile's SendMail applet
It is a sendmail applet. This applet allows you to send an e-mail directly from a web page. The mail can be send to anyone in the world. This applet uses and implements SMTP send mail protocol.
If you have questions or problems, take first a look at the FAQ.
Download (10 kb) the package - version 2.2
Download the package to send attachments (10 kb)
VasSendMail's FAQ
visits since September 4th, 1999
Last updated on March 9th, 1999

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© 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Vasile Calmatui