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Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 21:15:41 +0200 (MET DST)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: SpyAppletUS
X-UIDL: 53450ae37b018e474a6cca4600906321
Time=Thu May 28 02:14:24 GMT+06:00 1998
Local Time=28 5 1998 2.14.24
GMT time=27 May 1998 21:14:24 GMT
IP address not given
Browser=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)
OS=Windows 95
OS version=4.0
OS architecture=x86
Browser vendor=Microsoft Corp.
Browser vendor home=
Java version=1.1
Java class version=45.3
File separator=\
Path separator=;
Line separator=\r\n
JVM total memory=925688
JVM free memory=43896
URL of this page=
Root of this applet=
Screen resolution=96 dots per inch
Screen size : width=640 height=480
Applet's location on the screen : x=0 y=0
Number of colors : 24 bits/pixel, ie 1.6777216E7 colors
Number of Java fonts=6
Fonts :
1 Dialog
2 Helvetica
3 TimesRoman
4 Courier
5 DialogInput
6 ZapfDingbats
Applets :
1 VasSpyPerso[panel13,0,0,5x5,invalid,hidden,layout=java.awt.FlowLayout]
(C)1997,98 Vasile CALMATUI,
VasSpyApplet page
Last updated on October 17th, 1998

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