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Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 01:05:52 +0200 (CEST)
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SUBJECT: SpyApplet
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Time=Tue Aug 19 16:06:12  1997
Local Time=Tuesday, August 19, 1997 4:06:12 PM
GMT time=19 Aug 1997 23:06:12 GMT
IP address=localhost/
Host name=localhost
OS arch=PowerPC
OS version=7.6.1
Java version=3.01a
Browser vendor=Metrowerks Corp.
Browser vendor home=
Java class version=45.3

FreeMemory : 421792 :-) false
TotalMemory : 655360 :-) false
URL of this page=
Root of this applet=
Screen Resolution=72 dots per inch
ScreenSize width=1024 height=748
Number of colors : 8 bits/pixel, ie 256 colors
Number of Java fonts=129
Fonts :
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  2 TimesRoman
  3 Courier
  4 Dialog
  5 DialogInput
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  7 25 Helvetica UltraLight
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  28 Avant Garde
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  30 B Garamond Bold
  31 Bauhaus 93
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  33 BI Garamond BoldItalic
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  35 Book Antiqua
  36 Bookman Old Style
  37 Bookman Old Style Bold
  38 Braggadocio
  39 Britannic Bold
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  41 Bullets
  42 Century Gothic
  43 Century Schoolbook
  44 Chicago
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  48 DeltaSymbol
  49 Desdemona
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  51 Garamond
  52 Garamond BoldCondensed
  53 Garamond BoldCondensedItalic
  54 Garamond Book
  55 Garamond BookCondensed
  56 Garamond BookCondensedItalic
  57 Garamond BookItalic
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  61 Garamond UltraCondensed
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  67 GillSans
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  74 Helvetica Black
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  81 ITC Officina Sans BoldItalic
  82 ITC Officina Sans Book
  83 ITC Officina Sans BookItalic
  84 ITC Officina Serif Bold
  85 ITC Officina Serif BoldItalic
  86 ITC Officina Serif Book
  87 ITC Officina Serif BookItalic
  88 Kino MT
  89 Klang MT
  90 Leawood Black
  91 Leawood BlackItalic
  92 Leawood Bold
  93 Leawood BoldItalic
  94 Leawood Book
  95 Leawood BookItalic
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  97 Leawood MediumItalic
  98 Lucida Bright
  99 Matura MT Script Capitals
  100 Mishawaka
  101 Mishawaka Bold
  102 Mistral
  103 Monaco
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  105 Monotype Sorts
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  107 MT Extra
  108 N Helvetica Narrow
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  110 New York
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  112 Palatino
  113 Playbill
  114 ProFont
  115 ProFontISOLatin1
  116 Rosie
  117 Script MT Bold
  118 Stencil
  119 Times New Roman
  120 Trebuchet MS
  121 Verdana
  122 Vivaldi
  123 Wide Latin
  124 Wingdings
  125 Zapf Chancery
  126 Zapf Dingbats
  127 Zeal
  128 TTYFont
  129 VT100
And that's not all !
(C)1997, Vasile CALMATUI,

VasSpyApplet page
Last updated on October 17th, 1998
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