>From MAILER-DAEMON@www.ifrance.com Wed Dec 1 12:54:19 1999
Received: from ctkproda-02.chez.com (ctkproda-02.chez.com [])
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Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 11:44:21 GMT
From: MAILER-DAEMON@www.ifrance.com
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Received: from [] by www.ifrance.com; Wed, 1 Dec 1999 11:44:11 GMT
Subject: SpyAppletUS
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 11:44:11 GMT
From: <vasile@chez.com>
Message-id: <199912011244.0a72@www.ifrance.com>
To: <vasile@club-internet.fr>
Time=Wed Dec 01 11:53:27 GMT 1999
Local Time=1999/12/01 11:53:27
GMT time=1 Dec 1999 11:53:27 GMT
Browser=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.5; Mac_PowerPC)
OS version=8.6
OS architecture=PowerPC
Browser vendor=Apple Computer, Inc.
Browser vendor home=http://www.apple.com/macos/java/
Java version=1.1.7
Java class version=45.3
File separator=/
Path separator=:
Line separator=\r
JVM total memory=998896
JVM free memory=305928
URL of this page=http://www.chez.com/vasile/
Root of this applet=
Screen resolution=72 dots per inch
Screen size: width=1014 height=723
Applet's location on the screen: x=0 y=0
Number of colors: 24 bits/pixel, ie 16777216 colors
Number of Java fonts=143
Fonts :
1 Dialog
2 DialogInput
3 Monospaced
4 SansSerif
5 Serif
6 Courier
7 Helvetica
8 TimesRoman
9 ZapfDingbats
10 $&u*S
11 $&LøS
12 $&-*wøS
13 $&y*´·Ã¯S
14 $&s´·Ã¯SW3
15 $&s´·Ã¯SW5
16 $&s´·Ã¯SW7
17 $&s´·Ã¯SW9
18 $&s8´·Ã¯SW4
19 $&·øS
20 LH¿¤×Ð󯴷ï-M
21 Osaka
22 OsakaIE
23 2&ʦ-'"
24 2&ʦ-'5
25 2&ʦ--"
26 2&ʦ--5
27 ¿«ÏóÉ B
28 ¿«ÏóÉ L
29 êå¦ßóé¤È+,
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31 8´·Ã¯-
32 0S
33 -´·Ã¯S
34 sÒ´·Ã¯
35 s
36 ,-
37 AGaramond
38 AGaramond Bold
39 AGaramond BoldItalic
40 AGaramond Italic
41 AGaramond Semibold
42 AGaramond SemiboldItalic
43 Andale Mono
44 Arial
45 Arial Black
46 B VAG Rounded Bold
47 Berliner Grotesk Light
48 Bermuda LP Squiggle
49 BigCheeseDark
50 BigCheeseLight
51 Blk VAG Rounded Black
52 Bullets
53 Capitals
54 Charcoal
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56 Chibacity-Outline
57 Chibacity-Regular
58 Chicago
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60 Courier New
61 Cubismcomplex-Alphabet
62 Cutout
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64 DogmaBold
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66 DogmaOutline
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69 ExocetLight
70 FellaParts
71 FellaPartsToo
72 Gadget
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74 Garamond BoldCondensedItalic
75 Garamond BookCondensed
76 Garamond BookCondensedItalic
77 Garamond LightCondensed
78 Garamond LightCondensedItalic
79 Garamond UltraCondensed
80 Garamond UltraCondensedItalic
81 Geneva
82 Georgia
83 Giddyup
84 Greymantle MVB
85 Impact
86 ITC Officina Sans Bold
87 ITC Officina Sans BoldItalic
88 ITC Officina Sans Book
89 ITC Officina Sans BookItalic
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91 ITC Officina Serif BoldItalic
92 ITC Officina Serif Book
93 ITC Officina Serif BookItalic
94 Khaki Two
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97 Lemonade-Normal
98 Lemonade-Oblique
99 LinusFace
100 Minion Web
101 Mistral
102 Mojo
103 Monaco
104 Monotype Sorts
105 Monotype.com
106 Myriad Tilt
107 New York
108 NuptialScript
109 Nyx
110 OCRA Alternate
111 OCTA
112 Ouch
113 Palatino
114 Platelet
115 PlateletHeavy
116 PlateletThin
117 Pompeia Inline
118 Postino Italic
119 RemedyDouble
120 RemedyDoubleExtras
121 RemedySingle
122 RemedySingleExtras
123 Sand
124 Shuriken Boy
125 Spumoni LP
126 Stencil
127 Symbol
128 T VAG Rounded Thin
129 Techno
130 Textile
131 Times
132 Times New Roman
133 Trebuchet MS
134 Trekbats
135 Verdana
136 Webdings
137 Wingdings
138 Woodtype Ornaments 1
139 Zapf Dingbats
140 ZeitGuysOne
141 ZeitGuysTwo
142 TTYFont
143 VT100
Applets :
1 VasSpyPerso[panel0,0,0,5x5,hidden,layout=java.awt.FlowLayout]
(C)1997, 1998, 1999 Vasile Calmatui, vasile@club-internet.fr
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