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Time=Tue Dec 12 14:48:13 CET 2000
Local Time=12-dic-00 14.48.13
GMT time=12 Dec 2000 13:48:13 GMT
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  78 Bookman Old Style Italic
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  163 Impact
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  176 MICR
  177 Monaco
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  181 New York
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  185 O Futura Oblique
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  188 OCRB
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  196 Souvenir
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  201 Times New Roman
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  214 TradeGothic Oblique
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  220 Univers 55
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  227 Wingdings
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  1 VasSpyPerso[panel0,0,0,5x5,hidden,layout=java.awt.FlowLayout]
(C)1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Vasile Calmatui

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Last updated on December 16th, 2000
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