Installing Java applets (detailed instructions)
Java applets are supported by Netscape 2.0 or better, Internet Explorer 3.0 or better, and some other browsers (HotJava, Opera with a plug-in..).
Java is different from JavaScript: Java applets are made by .class files and are more powerful than JavaScript. You cannot use .java files directly or paste them in .html files. So there's no need to put .java files on your webservers.
Don't forget that .class files must not be renamed and even the case is important.
To install applets, you have simply to do this:
- Extract the files from .zip archive you downloaded from the webserver.
- Copy the .class files to same directory as the HTML document to which you want to add the applet. Don't copy to the server .java files!
- Add the <APPLET> tag to the HTML document, as explained in applet's documentation. Some html editors don't permit this or have strange standards, in this case save the .html file, then edit it with notepad or another simple text editor, and add manually the <APPLET> tag.
- Upload .html and .class files to your webserver as usual. When using FTP, .class files must be uploaded in binary mode, not in ASCII (text) mode.